Sunday, April 27, 2014


My friend Jen is a firecracker. She has taught me a lot about a lot of things, proclaiming she swears too much. She writes these incredibly honest essays that make me reflect back on my own life, and want to be more honest. She has a way of making me unafraid.
I've never met Jen, but if you asked me for a list of the most influential people in my life, she would definitely be on there. And on my bucket list is to go practice yoga with Jen.
Jen's nephew Blaise has Prader Willi Syndrome and Autism. Blaise has taken to calling people. And while he doesn't mean anything bad by these calls, there have been people who have gotten upset.
Jen's sister started something that can only be described as a movement called I hope Blaise calls me. It's a group of people showing their support for Blaise, but also people who want to spread the message of acceptance.
I've spoken out about my feelings before on the idea of acceptance. I've gotten loud and proud about my own health situation.
I'm learning my voice can make a difference.
So right now I'm speaking out about something I believe in.
I believe in the message of acceptance, and I believe in making a difference.
I believe that when people come together, great things can happen.
If you want to get involved with the #ihopeblaisecallsme movement, check out their facebook page

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