Wednesday, January 5, 2011


in Matthew 14, verses 22-34, it's the story of Peter and Jesus, walking on the water. The disciples are in this boat, and there is this ghost, or what they think is a ghost. naturally, they are a little freaked out. but then Jesus calls to them, saying it is I, don't be afraid. and then Peter says, "Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water." So, Jesus told him to come. Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water to Jesus, but when he saw all the waves and the winds and the storm around him, he started to sink. It says in the Bible, immediatly Jesus caught his hand. "You of little faith," Said Jesus, "Why did you doubt?" Recently, I've been comparing this story to my life. When I took my eyes of Jesus and got caught up in the storms of my own life, I began to sink. I was so wrapped up in what was going on in my life and my own emotions, that I took my eyes off of the only one who could save me. I tried everything I could think of to try and save myself, but nothing worked, because when I take my eyes of Jesus, all the efforts I have are useless. But Jesus was there. He was waiting for me, waiting for me to call on Him. He took my hand, just like He did with Peter. "Why did you doubt?" He asked me. Why did I doubt? Why did I doubt that God was enough? Why did I doubt His power and think I had to do this on my own? Why did I doubt that He was there to help me and that, no matter what, I wasn't alone? Why did I take my eyes off of my only hope of getting through this life? God loves me, no matter what. The blessings I have in this life are just tiny whispers of His love for me. The people I have in my life, that I know will love me, no matter what, and are always going to look out for me, that's God's way of showing me that I'm not alone. When I took my eyes off of Jesus, I started to sink. But He was always there, waiting to catch me. in 2 Corinthians 12, it's talking about Paul and his thorn. He asked God to take it from him, and you know what God said? "My grace is sufficiant for you, my power is made perfect in weakness." When the storms of my life get to much for me to handle, I don't have to handle them alone. God is there, and He will fight for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness. When I am weak and can't do this anymore, God can. He will, because He loves me. Because I am His, He will carry me when I can't take another step. He will whisper promises over me. When I am weak, He is strong. that doesn't mean there will never be any more trials in my life. God didn't promise life would be easy, but He did promise He would never leave me. So when the storms of this life get a little crazy, God is there. He's waiting for me to call on Him. He'll hold my hand and help me through this. He'll stand beside me and hold me when I'm at the end of my rope. He'll whisper His love for me by providing blessings in my life. He's calling me, am I ready to listen? Am I ready to take Jesus's hand and trust that He will help me navigate the storms of my life? Because when I am weak, He is strong

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